Michelle Alexander You Don't Know Hillary Clinton

Do You Know Bernie Sanders - I Do

By:  Gary Rodney 

Ms. Alexander, I have read with dismay your article denigrating Hillary Clinton and lavishing praise on Bernie Sanders  Read More ... 

Millennials Against Hillary...Please

Got To Have It Now

 By: Suh Wilson 

All I hear are the pundits saying that Hillary does not connect with young female voters…Hillary does not connect with young voters…Hillary needs to get a clear message out to Millennials  Read More ...

The Real Revolution

Vote for the Woman

 By: F Forty 

America is an interesting Country.   All of us are familiar with the phrase “Only in America”.  That is so appropriate right now.  Only in America could a revolution be led by a 74 year old Caucasian Senator from Vermont  Read More ...

Coming Of Age

Life’s Lessons

 By: Francine Terry June 7, 2016


I Can't Understand It

Vote the Bums Out

 By: Suh Wilson June 27, 2016

Black Votes Matter

All Votes Matter

 By: Gary Rodney 

We have learned after the “BREXIT” (Britain’s exit from the European Union) vote in the United Kingdom that you can never take any election for granted.  The polls in England had “Stay In the EU up over “Leave the EU” by (4) points  Read More ...  

The Democratic Party Belongs to the Democrats

Get Your Own Party Senator Sanders

 By: Francine Terry 

It’s basic.  It’s a simple truth that has held since the beginning of time  Read More ...  

 They're Full of Malarkey 

We're Not Taking It Anymore

By: Francine Terry   

Where has the Republican Party been for the past 5 years?  To hear them tell it, they’ve simply been spectators, watching President Obama and the Democratic Congress advance their agenda Read More ....  

 By: Marcella Tyler July 19, 201

 A Tale of Two Parties

Hope Versus Doom

By: Suh Wilson   

Well, now that the Democratic and Republican conventions are over, we have taken our places in our designated corners. The race is on! I was totally not feeling the Republican convention  Read More ... 

 What Happens to America if Donald Trump is Elected?

Set Ablaze or Wounds Healed

By: Gary Rodney 

Donald J Trump has been called many things during his campaign for the presidency: amoral, xenophobe, sexist, nativist, narcissist, liar, and philanderer  Read More ...  

 By: Marcella Tyler July 19, 2016

 Make Political History 

Don't Be Fooled

By: Francine Terry  

We the people of the United States of America have the opportunity to make history again.  This time we have the opportunity to elect the most qualified individual to ever seek the office of president of the United States  Read More ...    

 The Media v Clinton 

Journalist or Provocateurs

By: Francine Terry   

The public depends on the press to present the facts (journalistic truth), but of late, they’re getting more opinion than fact. The Commander and Chief Forum provided the press with the opportunity to question the Presidential Candidates about their foreign policy expertise  read More ...   

 White Male Privilege to the Highest Order 

Sure Christopher Columbus Really Did Discover America

By: F Forty  

As strange as this may sound the Donald Trump candidacy has brought some benefits to our Country Read More ... 

Chuck Todd 

Be Fair

By: Suh Wilson   

I could write about any number of cable news programs and their overtly biased reporting, but for the sake of this article and brevity, I focused my attention on Chuck Todd.  It’s obvious to me that Chuck Todd is not a Hillary Clinton fan  Read More...  

 Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street 

They Should Unite

By: Suh Wilson  

I think Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street should unite. Many are calling for the ground swell of people to take the country from special interest groups, corporations and the like  Read More ...    

 Look In The Mirror...

What Do You See

By: Suh Wilson 

As I listen to the Republicans chastise the state of Black America they bring up the usual topics. Black on black crime, gun violence in the community, gang violence in the community and the lists goes on and on  Read More ...  

 Black Lives Matter Too 

They Always Have

By: Francine Terry   

Here we go again another day same old story, a deadly encounter between a Black American citizen and the police.  Was the deceased armed or unarmed?  Read More ...  

 I'm Still Stuck 

I Can't Understand Their Motives

By: Suh Wilson   

I knew there was discontent in America, but never did I imagine that it was at the level of pure hate. I remember when President Obama was elected.  Read More ...    

 The Case For Reparations 

The Time Is Now

By: T Nicole T   October 25, 2016

 The Women's March On Washington 2017 

The Pictures Say It All

By: Francine Terry 

I had the pleasure of participating in the January 21, 2017 Woman’s March.  Pictures from the march…

 Trump - Make America Great Again 

I Think Not

By: F Forty   

In February of 2008 Michelle Obama said that "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country because it feels like hope is making a comeback…not because Barack is doing well, but because I think people are hungry for change"  Read More ...  

 By: Marcella Tyler July 19, 201

 Can A Trump Presidency Deliver For America 

Just Pipe Dreams

By: Gary Rodney   

Donald Trump has received very little attention for his proposals on how he would manage the Federal Government.  He has stated that he would run the federal Government like a great business  Read More ...    

 The Trump Effect 

And The Clinton Antidote

By: Francine T erry     

I began following politics in the early 70’s during the Watergate Hearings.  In the forty plus years that followed I became quite the political junkie. Needless to say I was excited by the prospects of the 2016 presidential campaign until Donald Trump entered the race  Read More ...  

 Where Do We Go From Here 

Back To The Drawing Board

By: Francine Terry   

The presidential election from hell is finally over.  I thought I’d feel a sense of relief, but what in my opinion is the worse possible outcome has left me with such a profound sadness Read More ...


 He Already Had His Second Chance 

He Blew It

By: F Forty   

As we have seen through our history there are certain members of the African American community who will do anything for the opportunity to make a dollar.   Read More ...  

 How the Mighty Have Fallen 

How Low Will They Go

By: Francine Terry   

Americans are less than 2 weeks from inaugurating one of the least prepared individuals in the history of the country to be the President of the United States.  Read More ... 

 What Has Happened to MSNBC 

Just the Facts - Nothing But the Facts

By: Francine Terry   

I have to admit, I’m a political junky.  I view cable news, listen to satellite radio and surf the internet on a daily basis to make sure that I am informed about current events  Read More ...  

 Dear Republican Party

The Demographics Have Changed

By: Francine Terry   

Dear Republican Party you are in denial about the changing demographics in our country.  The country is no longer 80% white and will never be so again.  Just read “The State of Change”, a report published by American Progress  Read More ...  

 By: Marcella Tyler July 19, 201

America's Broken Electoral Process 

Voting Rights For All Citizens

By: Francine Terry  

Activists often opine about low voter participation in this country, but fail to recognize the link between today’s voting problems and the Country’s long ugly legacy of voter suppression that is woven into the fabric of our Constitution. Read More ...  

 Who's Fooling Whom 

The Inmates are Running the Asylum

By: Francine Terry   

Why do the Republican elites lie to their base, and why does the base accept this behavior.  It’s a proven fact that in other circumstances, the Republican base, like the rest of the masses, frowns upon lies  Read More ...  

 The NRA Response to Shootings of Black American Gun Owners 

Hypocritical or Just Plain Racist

By: Gary Rodney   August 23, 2016


 By: Marcella Tyler July 19, 201

  A Spade is a Spade

Let's Call Donald Trump What He Is

By: Francine Terry

I have watched in stunned amazement as one Republican Politician after another falls in line in support of Donald Trump. These are the same politicians who for years have gone on and on about patriotism, principles, morals and ethics  Read More ...  

What Makes a Teflon Candidate?

How Does Donald Trump Get Away With It?

 By: Gary Rodney 

People take in information through the prism of their thought processes. No matter what a candidate says they see what they want to see  Read More ...

A Walk in the Park

Finding Yourself

 By: Francine Terry June 7, 2016

 May the Work They've Done....

Reporting for Duty... or Not

By: Francine Terry   

It’s election time again and the presidential candidates are out and about, espousing the reasons why they are best suited to be the president of the United States  Read More ... 

 America the Beautiful 

What Will We Become Post Obama

By: F Forty   

Let me start by thanking “Our” President for serving with grace, dignity and an unwavering passion for service.  Let me also thank his family for being such a wonderful First Family and the picture of what family values really mean.  Read More ...

 Where The American Electorate Went Wrong 

How They Can Fix It

By: Francine Terry   

Once the GOP realized that they no longer had the numbers to win national elections they went to work Read More ...

 Police Officers Honored As Heroes 

When Heroes Are Not Heroic

By: Suh Wilson   February 10, 2017

Pride or Prejudice 

Repealing Obamacare

By: F Forty  

Beginning in 2011 when they assumed control of the House of Representatives the Republican Party has voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) over 50 times.   For dramatic purposes, we will refer to the ACA as Obamacare throughout the remainder of this article.  Read More ...   

 The New Police State 

Read it and Weep

By: F Forty   

One of the first actions that the new President of the United States took was to remove certain informational pages from the White House website www.whitehouse.gov. Read More ...    

 Not Surprised 

But Shocked

By: F Forty  December 14, 2016

 The Lessons From Our Forbearers

Surviving The Hard Times

By: F Forty  March 21, 2017


Fox News Caters To White People 

What About the Rest of Us

By: Suh Wilson  March 28, 2017

 Seven Twenty-Five An Hour 

It's Just Not Enough

By: Suh Wilson   

I wouldn’t mind working for $7.25 if my rent were $125, my phone bill were $15, and my electric bill was S25.  Well since this is not the reality then 15 bucks an hour is realistic  Read More ...   

 Where Have All Of The Good Journalist Gone 

News Is No Longer News

By: Gary Rodney   

I have sat day after day for almost 18 months waiting for a real journalist to show up on my television screen.  Even print journalism has gone down this suicidal path  Read More ... 

 The Good Book 

Souls For Sale

By: F Forty   September 27, 2016


The Real Power of Black Hip-Hop and Rap Music

How Cuba Was Opened Up to Diplomatic Enteaties for Raprochement

 By: Gary Rodney June 15, 2016

To Be Young Gifted And Black

A Timeless Anthem for our Youth

 By: F Forty July 5, 2016

If You Are Scared...You Shouldn't be a Police Officer

Scardy Cat

 By: Suh Wilson June 7, 2016

Local Polictics Matter

My Vote Won't Make a Difference - Really!!!

by: F Forty June 7, 2016


Good or Bad They Kill

By: Marcella Tyler 

I don't own a gun or come from a family where we find them necessary. I was born and raised in Baltimore, MD at one time the murder capital of America  Read More ....  

 By: Marcella Tyler July 19, 2016

 Where are our Black Men

Lost Souls

By: F Forty   August 7, 2016


 By: Marcella Tyler July 19, 201

What is the GOP teaching our children regarding honesty, empathy, morality and patriotism? - Francine Terry

The GOP, the party of family values promotes policies that cut funding for healthcare, education, urban development, SNAP and the endowmwnt for the arts all while promoting tax cuts for the 1%.  Francine Terry

Linking White male priviledge to sexual assault cannot be avoided & must be addressed by the country's evangelical leaders today not tomorrow. Gary Rodney

Criminal Interpretation

Whose the Criminal?

 By: Marcella Tyler June 7, 2016

Donald The Terrible 

The American People Deserve Better

By: Francine Terry  

Trump is at it again. Hardly a day goes by when he doesn’t insult, bully or terrorize one minority group or another. Blacks, Latinas, LGBTQ, Muslims you name one that he hasn’t targeted all the while, pretending that he cares about people. Read More ...      

A Day Of Hope 

East Baltimore

By: Francine Terry   August 21, 2017

Open Your Hearts 

They Are Not Invisible

By: F Forty  April 19, 2017


 The Best Defense To A Bad Guy With A Gun ... 

Nice Guy Finished Last

By: Suh Wilson   October 18, 2016


You Can't Have It Both Ways

The Conservative's Elephant in the Room

 By: Francine Terry June 7, 2016

 In The Name Of The Law 

Don't Kill My Son

By: Suh Wilson   November 29, 2016

Democrats - Rally Your Base 

Republicans Will Not Vote For You

By: Francine Terry  

I’ve heard about as much as I care to hear from the political pundits and the media regarding the failures of the Democratic Party. Let’s be clear, the democrats seem to be rudderless right now, responding to voices from every direction while failing to listen to their own. Read More ...      

American Exceptionalism 

Fact or Fiction

By: F Forty

In February of 2015 former Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal uttered the following words “There’s a greater problem here. This is a president who won’t proudly proclaim American exceptionalism, maybe the first president ever who truly doesn’t believe in that.   Read More ...  

52 Plus 2 

The Search for a Few Good Men and Women

By: Suh Wilson  

Fifty-two plus two, that’s the number of republican men and women in the Senate, plus the President and Vice President. These men and women hold the fate of millions of Americans in their hands. Read More ...      

A One Term President 

Wishing and Hoping

By: Suh Wilson 

The news concerning the hate crimes committed by the Alt-Right in Charlottesville, Virginia, was not shocking.  The hot button topic of race has been sizzling since the election of President Obama.  Read More ...  Read More ...      

Who Are You Going To Believe?

Your Lying Eyes

 By: F Forty 

I have to admit that I never thought that I would get anything good out of watching our current class of Republicans do what I call simulate a debate  Read More ... 

Contact High

Legalizing Marijuana

By: Suh Wilson  October 31, 2017

The Chickens Have Come Home To Roost 

They Always Do

By: F Forty  

"The chickens have come home to roost" was first used by Brother Malcolm (Malcolm X) after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.  This quote was met with gasps and a backlash of hateful rhetoric.   Read More ...      

Looking In The Mirror

Fearing What You See

By: F Forty 

In looking at the state of our nation in 2017 one has to wonder how we got to this point.  How did we get to a point where we can’t have a civil discussion about politics?     Read More ...  

Sing Another Song 

I'm Not Feeling This One

By: Suh Wilson  

These past few weeks of the Trump administration have been such a disappointment.  I was always taught that the three branches of government worked in unison to determine what is best for our country. Read More ...      

Are We Really A Democracy 

What Do You Think

By: F Forty 

The term democracy comes from the Greek language and means "rule by the (simple) people". Read More ...  


The Glory Days

By: Gary Rodney   Deceember 5, 2017

The People's Choice

Wasn't Donald Trump

By: Francine Terry 

There are many unanswered questions about the 2016 presidential election, but one thing is clear, Donald Trump did not win the popular vote.  He lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by close to 2.9 million votes.     Read More ...  

What Does The Republican Party Stand For

Do They Even Know?

By: Francine Terry

What does the republican party stand for?     Read More ...  

Open Letter To Black Men

It's Decision Time

By: F Forty 

It is the day after Doug Jones and his team pulled off a historic win in the very red state of Alabama and all I can think of is the plight of the “Black Male”.  While this certainly was a referendum on predatory behavior it also was a referendum on being Black in America in 2017.  Read More ...  

We The People

Will Take Our Country Back

By: Francine Terry 

I participated in the 2017 Women’s March following the election of Donald Trump.  In my sixty plus years on this earth, this was the first time that I felt compelled to take to the streets.   Read More ...  

Out With The Old

In With The New

By: Francine Terry 

Donald Trump must go.  Each day that he is the president of the United States, we the people of this country and the country its self, suffer humiliation, shame and trauma.  Each day, our country becomes less great, and less safe. .  Read More ...  

2018 Women's March

War Memorial Baltimore, MD

By: Suh Wilson 

Last year I went to DC to participate in the Women's March.  This year I decided to attend the home town march at the War Memorial in Baltimore.      More  Pictures...  

Donald Trump

Racist of Not

By: F Forty 

When the current President of the United States is asked if he is a racist he comes back with the following canned response “I am the least Racist person that you have ever interviewed”. Let’s ignore the fact that the response does not make any sense at all.    Read More ...  

The Democrats Don't Know How To Fight

Learn How to Win

By: Francine 

Now that the government shutdown is over, it’s time to evaluate the outcome.  In my opinion, given what appears to have been a lack of preparation by the democrats, they’re fortunate to have come out of the shutdown relatively unscathed.    Read More ...  

We're Growing Backwards

Will We Ever Get It Right

By: Suh Wilson 

It’s been 50 years since the inception of the Voting Rights Act, Martin Luther King, Jr assassination, and the March on the Edmund Pettus Bridge.      Read More .. 

Follow The Leader

Another One Bites The Dust

By: Suh Wilson 

Well, who would have believed it?  Believed that our decorated General John Kelly is stuck in the 50’s.  Just look at the recent record of his actions.  Remember Congresswoman Fredica Wilson the one he called an empty barrel.   Read More ...  

 Musical Chairs 

It's Not Always Child's Play

By: F Forty   February 22, 2018

Baltimore Then And Now 

The Baltimor of my Youth

By: Francine Terry  August 3, 2017



Get In Line And Get Yours

By: Suh Wilson  

It always amazes me when I hear about how much money the federal government spends on everything except the poor.   Read More...    

 The Public Humiliation of Hillary Clinton 


By: Suh Wilson   

Now that the election is over I find it extremely hard to get excited about the Trump administration. Am I alone?  Read More ...  

First Do No Harm

Pain Killers

By: Francine Terry 

In 2004 I was admitted to the outpatient clinic at my local medical center for a laparotomy.  I was experiencing some abdominal pain and my physician wanted to identify the cause.  While preparing me for the procedure, the nurse conducted a pain assessment.  She asked me questions about my level of pain.    Read More ...  

Unsung Heroes

Never Forget

By: F Forty 

On this day that marks the 50th anniversary of the assignation of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I can’t help but to reflect on a couple of things.  First Dr. King was and remains a true American hero.  In fact I recently heard him referred to as the greatest hero of the 20th century.   Read More ...  

Let Us  Hope

Lessons Learned

By: Francine Terry 

Trump’s presidency has not only exposed the true tenor of Trump the man, it has exposed the republican party for what it is and because they control all the levers of government, our government for what it is. So here we are, exposed for the world to see all our warts, scars and blemishes.  Read More ...  


Drain The Swamp

By: Francine Terry

I wonder at the media’s duplicity in this horrific reality TV series that is the Trump Administration.  The rate of personnel turnover in his administration is approaching 50%.  Can you believe it, 50%?  Trump actually seemed elated with the last firings.   Read More ...  

Is This Really The National Football League (NFL)?

The Demise of a Wonderful Game

 By: F Forty June 7, 2016

Tell It Like It Is

Don't Be Shy

By: F Forty 

In the heat of the 2016 Presidential Campaign Hillary Clinton made a comment that later would be used to vilify her. The exact quote was that “Half of Trump’s supporters belong in a basket of deplorables."  There was a tremendous amount of backlash from both the left and the right after Hillary made this comment.    Read More ...  

The March For Our Lives

Washington, DC 2018

By: Francine Terry 

I had the pleasure of attending the March for Our Lives Protest in Washington, DC.  Like the Women’s March of 2017, I found it empowering, uplifting and hopeful.  When a large group of people come together to promote a singular cause the air becomes electric.   Read More ...  

Faux Outrage

Enough Already

By: Francine Terry 

Here we go again.  The republicans cry foul and the media reflexively say, oh yeah, it was definitely a foul.  Case in point, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a government employee, provides briefings to the media and the country several times a week.   Read More ...  

Guns In America

Enough Already

By: Francine Terry 

This is a sore topic for me.  One that just gets my blood boiling.  I am fortunate in that I have no personal experience with gun violence, but I saw the effects of it first hand when I worked in an inner-city hospital.     Read More ...  

Devil's Playground

Job 2:2 NKJV

By: F Forty 

And the Lord said to Satan, “From where do you come?”

Satan answered the Lord and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.”    Read More ...  

Advise And Consent

Doesn't Mean Rubber Stamp

By: Francine Terry 

The GOP and many of the cable news hosts spent the past couple of weeks insisting that the Democrats on the Foreign Relations Committee support the president’s nominee for Secretary of State.  The president has accused the Democrats of refusing to support his nominees because they are obstructionist.      Read More ...  

And The Beat Goes On

Donald the Magnificent

By: Francine Terry  

So, what could possibly go wrong? On June 12, 2018, Donald Trump will meet with Kim Jong Un for 45 minutes. The only other persons present will be their interpreters. Scary huh! Trump says he’s been preparing for this meeting all of his life and says, “very quickly, I’ll know if something good is going to happen”.    Read More ...  

The American Civil War

It's Not Over Yet

By: F Forty 

The American Civil War was a civil war that was fought in the United States from 1861 to 1865. As a result of the long-standing controversy over slavery, war broke out in April 1861, when Confederate forces attacked Fort Sumter in South Carolina, shortly after U.S. President Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated.    Read More ...  

Once Again

It's All On White People

By: F Forty 

Here When Donald Trump announced his run for the Presidency he immediately followed with a diatribe against the entire Mexican Race.  He called them rapists and drug dealers while accusing the Government of Mexico of sending their worst citizens to the United States.   Read More ...  

Stop Violating Our Rights

You Don't Own This Space

By: Francine Terry 

I recently read an article about Ving Rhames.  He was held at gunpoint in his home by the police.  One of his neighbors called 911 and reported a large black man breaking into the home across the street (his home).  The police knocked on his door.  Read More ...  

Do They Deserve Our Trust

Will They Vote For Trump Again

By: F Forty 

As we move closer and closer to the midterm elections there is a drumbeat that continues to get louder and louder.  The drumbeat is banging out a familiar refrain.  That refrain deals with the importance of the vote that will be cast by white suburban women.     Read More ...  

What About Us

Can We Have Some Too

By: Suh Wilson 

I tune into the television day after day and I am bothered by the fact that most laws and regulations enacted by the Trump administration primarily address the needs of the rich donor class.  The current men and women in Congress have done nothing to address the needs of the people, at least the people I know.  Read More ...  

 The GOP Legacy To America 

No Longer The Party of Lincoln

By: Francine Terry  


Workers Betrayed

No Surprise Here

By: F Forty 

On March 8, 2018 the President of the United States signed a proclamation imposing a 25% tariff on steel and a 15% tariff on aluminum.    Read More ...  

People Moving Out

People Moving In

By: Suh Wilson 

I understand how a stable community can fall prey to the nonsense and nuisance of urban life. I have been a resident of my current community for over 30 years. It was and by some estimations still is a very nice homeowner’s neighborhood.     Read More ...  

Baltimore Deserves Better

Take Your Vote Seriously

By: F Forty 

As we move towards the end of 2018 and another election, Baltimore City is once again on pace to register over 300 murders.  As of October 18, 2018, there were 253 murders recorded in the City.  This is on the heels of 2017 when Baltimore had the worst homicide rate among the nation’s 50 largest cities and the second-highest violent crime rate overall, according to new data from the FBI.     Read More ...  

White Privilege

White Grievance

By: Francine Terry 

White grievance is on the rise. Many white persons blame all the misery in this country and in their lives on “those people”, you know, people who don’t look like them. They embrace their “white privilege” all the while denying its existence. Just in case you’re confused about the phrase “white privilege, let me share some glaring examples that have been in the news that should help you to understand and recognize it the next time it occurs.      Read More ...  

Did I Ever Stand A Chance

Clinging to the Impossible Dream

By: Suh Wilson 

Unfortunately I was born in an era that would be known as the sandwich generation. Too young to retire, still have dependents who were depending on my assistance for survival, aging parents and grandparents. Not only does that hold true for the cycle of life, but also the cycle of technology, and employment.      Read More ...  

The Math Is Really Simple

No Degree Required

By: F Forty 

UIn looking at the United States of America from a historical perspective I have always been intrigued by the notion that America represents the highest ideals of a Democracy.  The ideals of a true Democracy are the right to life, liberty, and property which no Government can take away.      Read More ...  

Make America White Again


By: Francine Terry 

Let’s be clear, in the strictest sense, America has never been white.  When whites came to the new world, their term so they could claim it as their own, it was inhabited by an indigenous people.  They called them Indians, but they were native to the land (Native Americans).      Read More ...  

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Win At Any Cost

By: Suh Wilson

I don’t know about you, but when I tune into the news, there’s always another report of how Donald Trump used various entities to help him overcome deficits and win the election from Hilary Clinton.  I’m not trying to be a sore loser but, go figure.  Read More ...  

When the Tables Turn

They Change the Rules

By: F Forty 

St Frances is the oldest catholic school in the archdiocese of Baltimore.  The school is predominantly black with the majority of the student’s families living at or below the poverty line.  In 2013, 2014, and 2015 the school’s football program was 3-3, 4-2, and 0-6 in the Maryland Scholastic Association’s   Read More ...  

The Case for Reparations

The Time is Now

By: T Nicole T 

The argument over reparations will always be ignored. Just as a debtor ignores the phone calls from creditors America ignores the cries of African Americans. For the purposes of my writings, I prefer the term Black or Black American not to be confused with a blond haired, ...       Read More ...  

Bridging the Gap

The Importance of Intellectual Property to the Culture

By: T Nicole T

It’s my First year at the University of Virginia circa 2000.  I sit in my Computer Science 101 class and my professor opens up by boldly stating “By the time you all graduate, your degree will be obsolete.  It will be the equivalent of a High School Diploma.”  Read More ...  

Mr. Mueller

The Contract Was Verbal

By: F Forty

As the political pundits continue to salivate over the Mueller report there is a critical event that occurred during the 2016 political campaign that is not being viewed in its proper perspective.  On July 27, 2016 then candidate Donald J. Trump uttered these ...   Read More ...  

Stop Pretending

This Is Who We Are

By: F Forty 

As the number of mass shootings in the United States of America continue to accelerate our elected officials continue to be complicit.  When you step back and examine what is going on in our Country it is appalling.  Read More ...  


The Glory Years

By: Gary Rodney 

In this the second of a multipart article we explore the growth and glory years of the Bethlehem Steel facilities at Sparrow Point, Maryland and the positive impact that the steel mill had on Baltimore, the city of our youth. Read More ...  

A Conversation About Baltimore

It's More Than What You See On the News

By: Francine Terry 

This tread is a discussion among  three millennials.  They were born in Baltimore and attended elementary and high school in Baltimore.  They are proud to be natives of ...  Read More ...  

 The Wire 

Live And In Living Color

By: F Forty   September 3, 2017

The Road to Perdition

The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost

By: F Forty 

A very interesting thing is taking place in the United States.  The Country is basically imploding before our very eyes.  Now all of us have our opinions on why this is happening, but I suggest that we start at the beginning of this great experiment to find the answer.  Read More .. 

Lies Matter

And the Truth Will Set You Free

By: Suh Wilson 

Well here we go again.  Another powerful white man, General Kelly devaluing a woman. It’s no doubt in my mind that General Kelly has a superior attitude and demeanor that was on full display against Rep. Frederica Wilson.  Read More ...  

Four More Years


By: Suh Wilson 

I’ve been listening to our President for about 2 years now. I have reached the conclusion that this country has a real problem with reality. How can so many people sit and listen to the many lies and made up stories that come out of his mouth.   Read More ...  

At Some Point

You Have to Take the Ball

By: F Forty

I am a huge sports fan, so I have to admit that I tend to use sports analogies more than most.  Having said that, what is going on in terms of our response to the deadly COVID-19 assault has me thinking about another situation in sports that remains seared in my mind.  It was the 1994 NBA finals when the New York Knicks faced the Houston Rockets.   Read More ...  

A Nation In Decline

It's Time for an Intervention

By: Francine Terry 

Donald Trump, the GOP and now the pandemic have made it impossible to continue to deny the simple fact that our country is in trouble and has been for many years. It’s time for brutal honesty. It’s like living with an emotionally disturbed child and not accepting that the child is emotionally challenged until something so horrible happens that you are forced to face the truth. Read More ...  

I'm Scared of Tomorrow

Is This My New Normal

By: Suh Wilson 

When I think of the good things and all the smiles that became permanent wrinkle lines on my face, I can only be upset that my grandchildren may not be able to enjoy the comforts of real freedom. This virus has literally taken  over our lives.  How insignificant we really are.  Just a puff and there you have it. I never thought I would ever be afraid of the future. Read More ...  

Scared of Their Own Shadow

Come Out of the Darkness

By: Francine Terry 

January 6, 2021 really is a day that will live in infamy. For the second time in the history of this Country the seat of our Democracy was attacked by a group intent on overthrowing our Gov-ernment. Unlike what hap-pened during the War of 1812 this attack was cap-tured live and in color. Read More ...